Let’s Do it

“Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.”

-Oscar Wilde

I am most certainly the kind of individual that you want to impress. Here is your chance to put your best foot forward. Let's see if we click!

I like receiving a well-crafted introduction that allows for a focused exchange that respects both your time and mine.

“What’s in a well-crafted introduction?”, you ask. Let me tell you. At a minimum, I’ll be looking for a name you’d like me to call you by, the city you’d like to meet me in, a range of dates (or just one specific date and time) that works for you, and some indication that you are ready to be screened. Basically, I want to feel you making an attempt to connect with me and I want to get the vibe that you understand that my time is valuable.

Feel free to share your hobbies, your favorite cuisines and libations, your guilty pleasures when it comes to music, why you love your pets, and anything else that makes you you.

I prefer corresponding with other protonmail accounts for privacy and discretion, but if you don’t have one yet, don’t let that hold you back from reaching out.

However you proceed, be it through my contact form or email, impress me with a diligent attempt. It’s the best way to get my attention and garner a response.

Whether we already know each other, or you are making contact for the first time, get at me at get@hextyn.com or hextyn@pm.me.