2025 Tour Schedule

Welcome. Here you will find my tour dates for 2025.

The lion’s share of these dates and locations hinge on personal plans - attending a wedding, an arts festival, a concert, a gathering… you get the idea. If you'd like to see me, now is a great time to put your hat in the ring. Consider a bespoke trip if you'd like to see me sooner. The same goes for cities that aren't listed: go ahead and convince me either by flying me to you or sponsoring a tour.

Quite often, my dates may be flexible by a day or two, especially with advance planning or some extra funds to lubricate a change in a flight or hotel reservation. If you'd like to see me a day earlier or later, it does not hurt to ask. And at the same time, if you want to see me in New York City at a point in time where I am scheduled to be somewhere else, it does not hurt to inquire. Especially if it is on the beginning or the end of a trip.

For all other dates that aren’t listed, assume that I'll be in NYC. To be clear, I might not always be in NYC just because I'm not on tour. But it is as good of a starting point as any.

Note that there are a few select cities I may revisit throughout 2025, but for now, I am listing my first (or next) appearance in each city. I will update this post regularly, and I will tweak the "published on" date to give you a sense of the freshness of these plans.

March 31-April 1: Points in Connecticut -or- Poughkeepsie, NY

April 3+4: Hudson Valley -or- Albany

April 7-9: Raleigh, NC

April 10+11: Charlotte, NC

April 17+18: Washington DC

April 22-23: Atlanta, GA

April 24-27: Nashville, TN

May 20-23: Chicago, IL

May 28+29: Detroit, MI

June 7-10: California (LA? SF?)

June 30 - July 2: Toronto, ON (with potential to visit Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo)

July 28-30: Springfield and/or Northampton, MA

August 12-13: Harrisburg, PA

FYI - Places I have already visited in 2025 include Boston, Charlotte, King of Prussia, Mexico City, Philadelphia, Raleigh, Springfield MA, Tulum, Worcester MA, and Washington DC.

More dates and locations are TBD...


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